! Enter configuration mode
conf t
! Turn on rapid spanning tree
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
! Set the hostname
hostname examplename
! Enables password encryption
service password-encryption
! Optional. Enable secret followed by a password will require console users to provide a password before they can "enable" the switch, allowing them to edit conf mode, run show run, etc
enable secret supersecretpassword
! Create a superuser / admin. The name can be anything.
username AdminUser priv 15 secret incrediblysecurepassword
! Set Timezone
clock timezone UTC 0 0
! Set NTP server. If DNS is functional, use one of these.
ntp server 0.north-america.pool.ntp.org
ntp server 1.north-america.pool.ntp.org
ntp server 2.north-america.pool.ntp.org
ntp server 3.north-america.pool.ntp.org
! Alternatively, if you want this device to instead pull NTP from another device in your network, supply an IP.
! ntp server
! aaa new-model enables a suite of features that are now standard across all other Cisco devices.
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local
! Console connection
aaa authorization console
! SSH connection
aaa authorization exec default local
! Disables requirement for password on the console. If enabled, this would be one step behind enable secret.
line con 0
no password
! This configures SSH access in the same way that we configured the above console connection. a vty is a remote connection. IOS supports 16 concurrently.
line vty 0 15
no password
transport input ssh
! Disables default interface for VLAN 1. VLAN 1 should be avoided when possible as this is the default VLAN that ports will take when reset.
int vlan 1
no ip address
! Define a default domain name.
!no ip domain-lookup
ip domain-name your-internal-domain-name
ip name-server your-local-dns-server
! Generates a cryptokey to enable SSH
crypto key generate rsa modulus 4096
ip ssh version 2
! ip ssh {timeout seconds | authentication-retries number}
! Here we add a port to VLAN 10. This assumes VLAN 10 is the VLAN you're going to use for your primary management. Adjust as appropriate.
int te 1/0/48
switchport access VLAN 10
int vlan 18
ip address
ip default-gateway
! Ping the device from itself to ensure the interface has come alive.
! Write to memory.