Proxmox Remove Ceph old health warnings

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If you have solved a problem with Proxmox and Ceph, e.g. the crash of a monitor or OSD deamon has been noted and corrected, the error message often remains in the Proxmox web GUI. These log entries in the GUI are crash logs of the underlying Ceph system. The Ceph crash command can be used to manage Ceph crash logs:

List Ceph crashes

root@pve-01:~# ceph crash ls

2020-10-26_15:18:33.471228Z_1e218df6-0c92-4269-8e03-3bf6564e9aac mon.pve-03
2020-10-26_15:29:58.556281Z_1cda3f71-d4a1-47e2-83e9-a08285d2e041 mon.pve-02

Hide Ceph Crashes from the Proxmox GUI

  • ceph crash archive <ID>: Archives single crash entry (will not appear in Proxmox GUI anymore)
  • ceph crash archive-all: Archives all crash entries (no longer appear in the Proxmox GUI)

After archiving, the crashes are still viewable with ceph crash ls.

Ceph crash commands

  • ceph crash info <ID >: Show details about the specific crash
  • ceph crash stat: Shows the number of crashes since Ceph installation
  • ceph crash rm <ID>: Deletes a single crash entry
  • ceph crash prune <DAYS>: Deletes crashes older than <DAYS> days

Author: Jonas Sterr